Premium+ offers

The Premium+ offers provide you with all the benefits of Mailo Premium with even more capacity. Þú ert með eitt geymslurými sem er deilt á milli póstsins þíns og sýndardisksins eftir þörfum þínum.

OfferMail&Cloud getuMánaðarverð
Premium+ 50G tilboð50 GB2 €
Premium+ 100G tilboð100 GB3 €
Premium+ 250G tilboð250 GB5 €
Premium+ 500G tilboð500 GB10 €

These offers can be activated for 1 to 5 years.

At any time and at no cost, you can change your offer and switch between the Premium offer and any of the Premium+ offers. Gildisdagurinn er síðan endurreiknaður sjálfkrafa.